The development of pain relief spray from the leaf extract of Morinda citrifolia L.

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Atchara Jaidee
Supitcha Menthaisong


The objective of this research was to study the ethanol concentration to extract the total flavonoids from Noni leaves (Morinda citrifolia L.) for developing a pain relief spray product. Ethanolic Noni leaves extracts were extracted using ethanol at the percentage concentration of 40, 60, 80 and 95 by maceration technique. The percentage yield of the extract found are 15.4, 15.3, 15.2 and 13.8 of dried sample, respectively. Total flavonoid content was determined by aluminium chloride colorimetric assay. The results found that the extraction of Noni leaves with 95 %v/v ethanol gave the highest total flavonoid content as 26.05±0.03 mg equivalent of quercetin (mgQE) per gram of dry extract weight. The crude extract was the main ingredients in the pain relief spray, which contained the percentage of total flavonoid content 130.46 mgQE. This product was long-lasting pain relief, not irritation in healthy volunteer and high satisfaction (4.06±0.53).

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