The Strategic Plan’s Khong Nue Basin Water Resources Management: Case Study of Watershed in Chiang Rai Province

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Satian Chunta


The Strategic Plan’s Khong Nue Basin Water Resources Management: Case Study of Watershed in Chiang Rai Province has the first objective was to reflect the process of creating the Khong Nue Water Resources Management Master Plan in accordance with the context of the area and the 20-year Water Resources Management Master Plan. Secondly, to create a process of participation of various sectors involved in the preparation of the Khong Nue Water Resources Management Master Plan that corresponds to the need to address the problems of the area and the 20-year Water Resources Management Master Plan. Collect the data from representatives of various agencies and sectors by organizing a forum for brainstorming and group discussions.
Data were recorded in the form ONWR.001 and analyzed the problem using SWOT Analysis and synthesized the data content. The results showed that the priorities of the Water Resources Management Master Plan of the Khong Nue Basin were in order as follows: building water security in the production sector (agriculture and industry), water management for domestic use, administrative management, upstream forest rehabilitation and soil erosion prevention, water quality management, and flood management.

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