Effects of ethanolic medicinal plants extracts on mortality of goat nematode larva

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Duangjai Boonkusol
Nattakarn Munkham
Methi Warakdee


This study aimed to investigate effects of ethanolic extracts from 5 medicinal plants, Siamese neem leaf (Azadirachta indica A.Juss.), Cassia leaf (Senna siamea Lam.), Annona leaf (Annona squamosa L.), Nam nom raatchasee (Euphorbia hirta L.), and Stemona root worm (Stemona collinsiae Craib) on mortality of goat nematode larva at concentrations of 1, 10, 20 and 40 mg/ml compared to IvermectinÒ (2 mg/ml). The results showed that herbal extracts had anthelmintic activity against goat nematode larva is equivalent to IvermectinÒ (100% larval mortality) when using the extracts at higher concentrations and longer extracts exposure that have 100% anthelmintic activity at a concentration of 1-40 mg/ml at a 12-hour exposure period include extracts from 3 species, neem leaves, lion milk leaves and the root of the dead worm. The results showed that extracts from all 5 medicinal plants were able to kill nematode larva equal to IvermectinÒ at different concentrations of extracts and exposure times can be further developed these medicinal plants as a substitute for gastrointestinal parasitic drugs in animals.

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