Dietary supplementation of turmeric (Curcuma longa) rhizome and garlic (Allium sativum) powder in laying hen to promote egg production and quality

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Duangjai Boonkusol
Monnapa Champathong
Anuchit Wisetphakdee


Laying hens is an economic animal that can generate income for farmers continuously throughout the year. Farmers want to increase the productivity and quality of eggs safely. Objectives of this study were to compare the quantity and quality of eggs from chickens fed with normal diet and herbals, turmeric and garlic, supplemented diets and analyze group Enterobacteriaceae and Lactic acid bacteria in hen feces. Supplementation of 1% turmeric, 1% garlic and 0.5% turmeric + 0.5% garlic to diet. Twenty-four hens (Roman Brown hybrid) were divided into four groups (control, 1% turmeric, 1% garlic and 1% turmeric + garlic). It was found that group supplemented with 1% turmeric + garlic showed the significantly highest egg production rate, significantly highest parameters indicating the quality of the eggs (egg weight, egg yolk weight, egg shell thickness), and significantly highest color of the yolk (brightness, yellow and red). The group that found the least Enterobacteriaceae and the highest lactic acid bacteria in feces were 1% turmeric + garlic supplementation (125.33 ± 10.12 colony) and 1% garlic supplementation (573.33 ± 101.76 colonies), respectively. Therefore, turmeric and garlic can be used to promote eggs production and quality as well as increase good bacteria in the digestive tract of hens.

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