The Status Notification System of Washing Machine via Verifying Electric Current Method

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Phumin Thaoluang
Piyapon Munngam
Jiraphan Muangtan
Thongrob Auxsorn


This research focuses on developing the notify status system of washing machines via verifying the electric current Method with the following objectives: 1) to alert the washing machine's working status. 2) To increase the convenience of washing machine users. 3) Reduce warranty issues and damage to the washing machine's electronic circuit. Therefore, the researcher has the idea to connect a current monitoring sensor to a microcontroller. To control the operation and monitor the washing machine's operating status. This system can alert the washing machine's operating status. The entire system installation does not alter the electronic circuit and equipment of the washing machine. The results showed that 1) The washing machine operation status can be accurately informed to the user. 2) The user is comfortable using the washing machine and can effectively manage the time to do other activities. Both of these happen because users can check the operating status of the washing machine from the beginning of the process until the end. 3) Since the system's installation has not been modified in any parts of the washing machine, it will not cause warranty problems or damage to the machine's electronic circuit.

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