Congruences between Consumer's Self-Concept and Brand Passion on Purchase Intention: Publicly Consumed Product (Car)

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Hathaichanok Chaiyawong
Kampanat Siriyota


              The research is based on the consistency between self-concept and brand passion that affects publicly consumed product: (car). The online questionnaire (Google Form) as a tool was used to collect data towards 400 Thai consumer and aged 21-45 year old and using sem to analyzed data (Structural Equation Modeling: SEM) This research consists of variables (Self-congruence) which is divided into 2 dimensions which are 1) Actual-self congruence and 2) Ideal-self congruence and Brand Passion and Purchase intention variables. The research found that (ASCC) Actual-self congruence has a positive influence on (BPPP) Brand passion, contrast to (ISCC) Ideal-self congruence, non-influence (BPPP) Brand passion, and (PCII) Purchase intentions positive influence on (BPPP) Brand passion.

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How to Cite
Chaiyawong, H., & Siriyota, K. (2021). Congruences between Consumer’s Self-Concept and Brand Passion on Purchase Intention: Publicly Consumed Product (Car). KKBS Journal of Business Administration and Accountancy, 5(2), 17–50. retrieved from
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