Online Sales Promotion Type on e-Commerce Platform in Thailand
Main Article Content
The objectives of this study were 4 folds; 1) To study buying behavior in e-Commerce platform in Thailand 2) To study online sales promotion type in e-Commerce platform in Thailand 3) To examine the relationship between online sales promotion and e-satisfaction 4) To examine the relationship between e-satisfaction and purchasing intention. This research study is from large e-Commerce platforms in Thailand, such as Shopee and Lazada. Mix methods were employed in two stages; qualitative stage and quantitative stage. The qualitative stage was conducted by observation, and content analysis was employed as an analysis technique. In the second stage, Quantitative research was conducted by questionnaire. Sample size calculated at .95 inferential Level. Quota sampling was estimated at 50:50 percent from each group. So, this research collected data from Shopee customers 200 sets and Lazada 200 sets. Statistics analysis technic were percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Hypothesis testing was tested by Structural Equation Modelling (SEM.).
The results found that online sales promotion on e-commerce platform were 9 types; price discount, free shipping, cash rebate, coin discount, code discount, buy one get one free, quantity discount, new customer discount, and flash sale.
Hypothesis testing results found that 4 types of online sales promotion have a positive relationship with e-satisfaction in e-Commerce platform such as price discount, free shipping, flash sale, and quantity discount. Moreover, the results found that
e-satisfaction has a positive relationship with purchasing intention with statistically significant at .05.
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