Mapping Local Students’ Proficiency to CEFR Standard and the Investigation on Coursework’s Impacts from Students’ Perspectives
Language Proficiency, CEFR, TOEIC, InvestigationAbstract
This research article explores level of English language proficiency of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students in Thailand. The intact group represents the Thai students from a public university located in central Thailand. The objectives of this study are to assess the level of English proficiency of students and to investigate of courses enrolled by students play a crucial role in mastering their English language proficiency from students’ perspective. Instruments used are the redesigned mock TOEIC test administered to 129 students majoring in English. Apart from the test, the semi-structure interviews were conducted with 8 participants from four different years of study. For data analysis, descriptive statistics is employed to explain findings on students’ proficiency in English language in comparison to Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). This study is deemed to be a showcase of local students at a public university in Thailand where the institution is limited to conduct admission test besides the placement test, which extremely influence to learning and teaching of English language. The limitations and suggestions are presented at the latter part for future researcher and further improvement.
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