A Study on Thai University’s Class Advisor System and Administration System, and Factors of Subjective Well-Being among International Chinese Students
Class Advisor, International Chinese College Students, Thai University, Gender, Subjective Well-Being (SWB)Abstract
The class advisor plays a key role in Chinese educational institutions. However, no Thai scholars are exploring the University advisor system/policy in Thailand. Hence, this research aims to explore the student's feedback and satisfaction with their advisors and determine the relationship between Individual differences (e.g., Major, living arrangements, gender, age, and Grade) and Subjective Well-Being. Participants are 536 International Chinese College Students who enrolled in a Thai university. This study conducted A Mixed Methods Approach (online questionnaires and Semi-structured Interviews). Furthermore, applied T-test, one-way ANOVA analyzed by SPSS 25.0. Findings: (1) 88.8% of the students are satisfied with the teacher/class advisor assistance. (2) Major, living arrangements, and Grade does not exist significant SWB differences. (3) Male students' SWB score higher than Female students. (F=2.163, P=014) (Mean, Male= 2.5597, Female= 2.3760). This study came with three suggestions: 1. University should establish the Class advisor system and the WeChat group before the student enrolls; 2. University should make regular checks from the group/platform after the student enrolls; 3. Teachers serving as class advisors/administration/counselors must be able to speak Chinese. This study provided conclusions and suggestions for the university to formulate an appropriate advisor system and policy.
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