A Study of Confucius Concepts on the Dimension of Happiness from the Lun Yu Scriptures
Happiness, P.E.R.M.A Theory, Philosophy of Confucius, Buddhist, LunyuAbstract
“乐le”(happiness) is an important concept that often appears in Lun Yu scriptures. The valuable scriptures recorded conversation between Confucius and his disciples. The study aims to analyze Confucius's concept of happiness portrayed in the Lun Yu Scriptures which included: 1. Confucius's concept of happiness; 2. The relationship between Confucius' happiness patterns and the elements of happiness in P.E.R.M.A which is the theory that discusses the concept of improving human happiness and well-being and 3. The relationship between Confucius' happiness and Buddhist principles. The study studied the Lun Yu scriptures in both Chinese and Thai versions. The results showed that: 1. Confucius’ dimensions of happiness were divided into four types which were the pleasure of learning, the joy of friendship and forgiveness, the moral happiness, and the elation of solitude; 2. According to the P.E.R.M.A theory, it was found that all the happiness patterns of Confucius consisted of positive emotion as the main component and 3. From the analysis of the relationship between Confucius' happiness and Buddhist principles, it found that the pleasure of learning was related with the four Iddhippada principle. The joy of friendship and forgiveness was related with the four Brahmavihra of mind principle. The moral happiness was related with the seven Sappurisa-Dhammas principle and the four Brahmavihra of mind principle. The elation of solitude was related with the seven Sappurisa-Dhammas principle in knowing oneself and moderation. It could be concluded that Confucius praised the happiness of moral as a basic for living. He perceived the joy of using wisdom should contain a solitude. The joy of building relationships and forgiving is related to Buddhist principles, and the elements contributed to sustainable happiness are all consistent to the positive psychology.
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