Approach for Academic Performance Development By Using Bloom’s Taxonomy


  • Teerapatra Ekphachaisawat
  • Teeraphat Kitjarak Phetchabun Rajabhat University


Academic Position Request, Improving Academic Work, Bloom’s Taxonomy


The development of the quality of academic work has become an activity that scholars give their priority to and keep learning about the matter. The current article aimed to present an approach conceptualized Bloom's Taxonomy model to improve academic work. This provides a group of academic personnel with some guidelines and ideas for writing productive work and advancing their academic profession. To do that, an author is required to possess the fundamental concepts and understanding of the academic work production which is considered a significant step. To integrate that knowledge with Bloom's Taxonomy model, the two major notions are held. The first notion is gained from the author's personal experience that suggests 4 common steps of creating process-oriented works including 1. choice of a subject; 2. preparation; 3. writing techniques, and 4. edition. The second notion focuses on Bloom's Taxonomy approach. The findings showed that a certain approach could be employed as a model for writing and improving academic works. To create content’s depth and consistency, scholars need to decide the levels of Bloom's Taxonomy that will be used as the measurement of the quality of academic work. The content should have wide coverage, of a specific topic, starting from the lowest to the highest levels. That is to say, the progression of a particular academic work should be higher, at least, at levels 4-5 since each category determines or, is regarded as a criterion to determine the levels of quality of work. This would increase the qualified academic works which strengthen the field as well as promote the scholars’ higher academic positions.


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How to Cite

Ekphachaisawat , T. . ., & Kitjarak, T. (2022). Approach for Academic Performance Development By Using Bloom’s Taxonomy. Lawarath Social E-Journal, 4(1), 183–202. retrieved from