A Study of Online Learning Management’s Achievement by Using Think-Pair-Share Method in the 21st Century Skills for Life and Career Subject for Physical Education Students
Think-Pair-Share, Online Learning, 21st Century Skills for Life and CareerAbstract
This research aimed to: 1) study the efficiency of online learning management using the Think-Pair-Share Method in the 21st-Century Skills for Life and Career Course with the criteria of 80/80; 2) study the effectiveness of online learning management using the method; 3) study the students’ learning achievement by using online learning management and 4) study the students’ attitudes on online learning management. The samples were the second year-students majoring in Physical Education in the second semester of the academic year of 2021. They were selected by the simple random sampling drawing lots method. The research instruments were lesson plans of the 21st Century Skills for Life and Career subject, a learning achievement test, and a questionnaire on students’ attitudes toward learning. The data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, and t-test. The results revealed that: 1. the efficiency of the online learning management using Think-Pair-Share method was at 80.49/90.19 which was higher than the 80/80 criteria; 2. the effectiveness index of the online learning management was at 0.7682 that the students gained more knowledge on the subject by 76.81 percent; 3. the students’ learning achievement using the online learning management was higher than before with the statistical significance at.05 and 4. the student’s attitudes on the online learning management were at a high level.
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