Local Government Organizations Management Toward a High Performance Organization
Management, High Performance Organization, Local Government OrganizationsAbstract
This academic article aims to study the management of local government organizations to become a high-performance organization. This article also aims to propose the concepts, methods, and guidelines for local organization management to become a high-performance organization through the perspective of a high-performance organization concept. Local government organizations needed to apply the concept as it is a compliance with the notion of “Government of people for people and the public interest”. This is the support for a decentralization of power and the role of local communities which means to promote the local government organizations to be the high-performance organizations with the idea of a good governance in order to provide adequate public services and activities for people. The results showed that to become the high-performance organizations, local government organizations should adopt the concept of a high-performance organization in their organization management. They need to continually develop their core competencies, and need to adapt themselves, and respond to the changing world and circumstances spontaneously. From the results, there were five factors affecting both public and government high-performance organizations included: quality of management, information accessibility, and services, long-term operation period, continuity of improvement, and quality of personnel. The concept of a high-performance organization is an integrated management in organization with a long-term development that aims to facilitate people who use the government services. With this concept, people and all groups of service recipients can access to the services easily, conveniently, quickly, and transparently through a variety of channels. The services should be opened for anyone to assess to with no limitation of time, areas, and a specific group of people. They also need to apply the use of digital technology innovations to increase efficiency of the services as well as reduce people's expenses.
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