Research on The Distribution of The Wore "SHEN (深)" in Modern Chinese Based on The Qualia Structure Theory
Qualia Structure, Corpus, Semantic Distribution, Semantic Description, DeepAbstract
This paper takes the word "SHEN (深)" as the research object, extracts enough corpus from the CCL corpus of Peking University, analyzes its sememe distribution in the real corpus and the prominent qualia roles of the corpus, and then according to the frequency of use, the meaning of the word reclassify and describe. On the basis of the existing 9 meanings in A Dictionary of Current Chinese (7th ed.) [Xiandai Hanyu Cidian (7th ed.)], 7 new meanings were found: "the pitch of the voice is lower than that of the conventional or comparison object", ""completely participates in a certain activity or state", describe people have a quiet and introverted personality, and do not express their true feelings or opinions easily ""the volume of air inhaled or discharged is larger than that of conventional or comparison objects" "describes sharp eyes and contains rich meanings" , "people are in a state of deep sleep and are not easily awakened" and "below the surface of abstract things and develop towards a more core stage". In addition, according to the theory of qualia structure in the generative lexicon, the derivation relationship between the meaning items of "SHEN (深)" is explained, which provides new basis for the existing dictionary definitions and optimizes and adjusts some meaning items.
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