A Study on Patterns and Culture through the Chinese National Costumes in Miss Universe Competition Since 2002 to 2019
Chinese Culture, Chinese Costume, Chinese National Costume, Beauty Pageant, Miss UniverseAbstract
This research paper aims to study the patterns of Chinese national costumes on the Miss Universe stage, and to study Chinese culture reflected in eighteen national costumes on the Miss Universe stage between 2002 and 2019. Research data were collected and analyzed through Chinese online news and entertainment sites: 中国新闻网、每日头条新闻、娱乐新闻 Pageant site Missosology, Miss China Fan Club 环球小姐吧, Chinese online fashion site 中华服饰网and information from the tapes of the Miss Universe pageants from online media, YouTube. The results showed that the Chinese national costume patterns in the Miss Universe contest included two royal dress styles, five tribal costumes, four Chinese opera costumes, and seven simplified Chinese opera costumes. Chinese national costumes utilized various color tones. Red served as the main color tone in the twelve costumes, followed by the two costumes in blue and another two in yellow, one costume in white, and another one in brown tones. This reflected how the Chinese adore the red color as it is their cultural belief that red is a color of auspicious. Other colors were chosen based on the concept of dress design. Furthermore, the patterns used in the costumes, which reflect the cultural beliefs of the Chinese people, were also noteworthy. Patterns such as peony, bamboo, swan, peacock, panda, dragon, butterfly, and the character "福" (Fu) are all considered auspicious and believed to bring prosperity.
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