Guidelines for Debt Management of the Women's Development Fund in Sawangha District, Ang Thong Province
Debt Management, The Women's Development Fund, Guidelines for Solving Debt ProblemsAbstract
The research aims to: 1. study problems, and obstacles in debt management of the Women's Development Fund in Sawangha district, Ang Thong province, and 2. determine the guidelines for debt management of the organization. This mixed methods research was done with 385 samples selected by stratified random sampling. The research tool was a five-rating scale questionnaire and data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. An in-depth interview was used to collect data from the samples of 8 steering groups including the officers at the organization, the volunteer coordinators of the Village Women's Development Fund, and the organization's members.
The findings showed that: 1. the problems in debt management of the Women's Development Fund, overall, was at the highest level. A fund management problem due to the overdue debt as the debtors’ default on the payment was presented at the highest average, followed by the management problem caused by members’ lack of knowledge and understanding in writing projects, the long document review process, and the problem during the in-debt period as the debtors spent the money in the way that did not relate to the purpose of the project and the debtors’ unsuccessful business and 2. the knowledge gained from this study could enhance knowledge and mutual understanding of all target groups including officers and members of the fund who apply for the loans. This will help them to understand the objectives and operation guidelines. They could write a suitable project to get support. The members could learn about the loan project reviewing process and how to pay the debt before proposing a project. With this guideline, the operations would truly meet the organization’s objectives, and it would help reduce the outstanding debts in the future.
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