The Responsibilities of President of the Senate on Countersigning the Royal Command for the Appointment of Persons Holding Constitutional Positions

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Sitivarachai Srimai


 The countersigning of the royal command derives from “The King can do no wrong” and “The King cannot act alone” principles according to English constitutional law, where The King shall exercise the sovereign power through the Parliament, the Cabinet and the Courts. Therefore, such organs must be responsible for any actions therefrom. In Thai parliamentary system, the King as a head of state shall exercise such power through the National Assembly, the Council of Ministers and the Courts in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution. So the prerogative and the royal command of the King must have been countersigned and the person who signs such acts of the King has full responsibility. The Responsibilities of the President of the Senate on countersigning the royal command in the approval and submission of an advice to the King for the appointment of persons holding constitutional positions appeared since the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand B.E. 2540. Therefore, the President of the Senate must respond to the exercise of such power by the King. If the President of the Senate verifies that the nominations has been found disqualified or prohibited, or that the process does not comply with the Constitution and the law, the President of the Senate who countersigns the royal command shall have the power to suspend such nominations before presenting to the King. If the President of the Senate has found that those nominations or appointment is not qualified or prohibited, or the process does not comply with the Constitution and the law but still intends to present the King for the royal signing, he or she must have both the political responsibility and criminal liabilities.

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How to Cite
Srimai, Sitivarachai. “The Responsibilities of President of the Senate on Countersigning the Royal Command for the Appointment of Persons Holding Constitutional Positions”. Naresuan University Law Journal 10, no. 2 (December 21, 2017): 121–152. Accessed July 23, 2024.
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