Analysis of the Biodiversity Draft Act B.E. ... of Thailand

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Jiraprapa Maglin


The draft of Biodiversity Act of Thailand demonstrates that the government has tried to enact a new law for conservation natural resources. The law also proposes the concept for sustainable use of biological diversity by providing the content for managing,accessing and sharing the benefits deriving from the use of biological diversity and genetic resources in Thailand. In order to achieve the goal of managing biological resources, the author has three recommendations. Firstly, the draft of the Biodiversity Act should be enacted as a framework for implementing the law in accordance with all policies and management regarding the conservation and utilization of biological resources. Secondly, the central organization set up by the law should be an independent body or public organization that has power to regulate, supervise and examine the laws, policies and biological managements to ensure that all activities will be performed in accordance with the new law. Thirdly, people and communities should be enhanced and developed as self-regulatory body and have enough potential for management of biological resources surrounding them.

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How to Cite
Maglin, Jiraprapa. “Analysis of the Biodiversity Draft Act B.E. . Of Thailand”. Naresuan University Law Journal 11, no. 2 (December 27, 2018): 149–169. Accessed December 4, 2024.
Academic Articles


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