Settlement of Disputes under Investment Protection Treaties : Its Impacts on Challenges against Illegality of Administrative Acts under Thai Laws

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Eakasit Jantama


International investments are generally recognized as an important source of financing and of transfer of technology and know-how between countries. These economic activities have a great contribution to economic development of developing countries. However, investments in foreign countries are economic operations of high risk that require protection. Investment Protection treaties (bilateral or multilateral) are
created to establish a minimum standard of protection and treatment of international investments by providing, inter alias, a dispute resolution mechanism for settlement of dispute between an investor and a host state (as a Party to a Treaty). According to this mechanism, international investors, when suffering damage caused by any actions of the host-State may submit a dispute relating to investment to international arbitrator, as an alternative dispute resolution. However, at the same time, generally, the laws of the host-state also prescribe the proceeding for challenging the same unlawful acts of administration. This article attempts to describe the impacts and legal problems arising from this double mechanism, and particularly its impacts to the administrative court proceedings under existing legislations of Thailand, as host-State.

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How to Cite
Jantama, Eakasit. “Settlement of Disputes under Investment Protection Treaties : Its Impacts on Challenges Against Illegality of Administrative Acts under Thai Laws”. Naresuan University Law Journal 6, no. 1 (September 30, 2013): 7–52. Accessed December 22, 2024.
Academic Articles
Author Biography

Eakasit Jantama, D.E.A. (Droit public économique, Université Paris 13), Master 2 (Droit public, Université Paris 13)

D.E.A. (Droit public économique, Université Paris 13), Master 2 (Droit public, Université Paris 13)


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