The Report of Media Interfering with the Administration of Justice

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Boonyarat Chokebandanchai


There has long been accepted that trial by media is wrong and should be prevented. Publishing matter from the time somebody is arrested, up to the moment when the court finished dealing with it, the case is said to be sub judice. The medias are strictly limited to what they can report when the case is sub judice as it could prejudice a fair trial. The report of the media that interfere with the proper course of justice falls within the law of contempt. Contempt of court covers (1) report of the defendant’s previous criminal convictions, (2) report and interview that could affect witness or public (3) pictures of the accused where identity is an issue of the case. It is noted that unlike Australia, the US court usually decides the case in favor of protecting freedom of speech rather than strictly comply with sub judice doctrine. The court prefers using several remedial measures to charging the media as contempt of court. In Thailand, contempt of court is prvided in the Criminal Procedure Code section 32 (2), but the law is only applied to print media and the sub judice doctrine is not applied in Thailand as the report that could constitute the offence start from the time the case is brought to court.

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How to Cite
Chokebandanchai, Boonyarat. “The Report of Media Interfering With the Administration of Justice”. Naresuan University Law Journal 6, no. 1 (September 30, 2013): 107–129. Accessed December 22, 2024.
Research Articles
Author Biography

Boonyarat Chokebandanchai, Assistant Professor

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