Theoretically : Polluter Pays Principle shall resolve the Air Pollution Problems caused by the Industrial Sectors

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Narumol Sektheera


Clean air is vital to not only human but also almost all life forms on the Earth. However, when agriculture countries changed into industrial sphere which, among other, resulting in an increasing of an air pollution causing by the release of untreated air to the atmosphere by industrial sectors. Among other solutions, Polluter Pays Principle (PPP) was introduced and has become an essential solution to the air pollution problem causing from the industrial sector. The core principle of PPP is that it requires owners, occupiers and industrial entrepreneurs to install equipment/s to treat the air in order to control, reduce or eliminate the air pollution before releasing it to the atmosphere. It aims to maintain air quality before releasing to the atmosphere and meet Air Quality Standard (Ambient Standard) set by PPP. The PPP has been accepted by many countries including Thailand as an effective way to treat air pollution thus it has been included
into national laws.

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How to Cite
Sektheera, Narumol. “Theoretically : Polluter Pays Principle Shall Resolve the Air Pollution Problems Caused by the Industrial Sectors”. Naresuan University Law Journal 6, no. 1 (September 30, 2013): 175–199. Accessed September 1, 2024.
Research Articles
Author Biography

Narumol Sektheera, Lecturer

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