Marketing Strategies to Expand Phu Num Fha Hotel's Customer in Chumphae District, Khon Kaen Province

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Naruechon Lertudomchok
Bussakorn Leejoeiwara


The purpose of this study is two folds: 1) to explore and evaluate customer behaviors and perceptions concerning the marketing mix, particularly focusing on repeated service usage and word-of-mouth recommendations at Phu Nam Fah Hotel in Chum Phae District, Khon Kaen Province, and 2) to identify effective strategies for expanding the customer base of Phu Nam Fah Hotel within the same district and province. The methodology employed involves the administration of a questionnaire to a sample of 400 individuals, with subsequent data analysis utilizing descriptive statistics to uncover insights into both personal factors influencing room service usage and the marketing mix elements impacting the decision to utilize rooms at Phu Nam Fah Hotel. The results showed that the sample group attributed high importance to 18 factors, with 19 factors rated at the highest level. Additionally, findings suggest that word-of-mouth recommendations significantly influence customer behavior. The marketing mix factors impacting customers’ decisions to stay at this hotel were employed to create strategic marketing planning aimed at bolstering Phu Nam Fah Hotel's customer base.  Three key projects were proposed, including the Secret Room Upgrade Project, the Advance Room Reservation Service Project through automated systems, and the Pun Pro Room Project.

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How to Cite
Lertudomchok, N., & Leejoeiwara, B. (2024). Marketing Strategies to Expand Phu Num Fha Hotel’s Customer in Chumphae District, Khon Kaen Province. MBA-KKU Journal, 17(1), 150–170. Retrieved from


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