Business Model Design of Kaset Chang Lim Store on Online Platforms

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Thidarat Saomun
Sakchai Jarernsiripornkul


The purpose of this study is to develop a comprehensive business model for the Kaset Chang Lim store on online platforms. It delves into consumer behavior while watching the store’s video clips on Kaset Chang Lim's online platforms and explores market factors influencing the decision to purchase agricultural products online. Employing qualitative methods, the study gathers in-depth insights by surveying users' video viewing habits on YouTube and Facebook platforms, complemented by individual interviews and observations of five key agricultural product sellers and ten key buyers on online platforms. The reliability of the data was checked using the triangulation principle. The findings revealed that on YouTube, consistent video distribution led to increased subscribers, with content focused on knowledge transfer and experiential sharing garnering the most engagement. Meanwhile, Facebook saw a rise in followers due to increased demand for ordering agricultural products. Market factors affecting product selection online included product features, pricing, distribution channels, and marketing promotions, as indicated by key informants. The developed business model canvas for Kaset Chang Lerm store targets small entrepreneurs, farmers, working-age individuals, and gardening enthusiasts, emphasizing educational value, purchasing convenience, and chemical-free high-quality products. Various online ordering methods are facilitated, bolstered by the creation of high-quality knowledge media. Primary partners are online platforms, to foster strong partnerships with online platforms, shipping companies, and product advertising sponsors.

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How to Cite
Saomun, T., & Jarernsiripornkul, S. (2024). Business Model Design of Kaset Chang Lim Store on Online Platforms. MBA-KKU Journal, 17(1). Retrieved from


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