Improvement, Khim Etudes, Deow Lao PanAbstract
This research is quality research work. According to Professor Dr. Utis Naksawas, Deow Lao Pan performed by Khim consists of two parts, which are Lao Pan Yai and Soom Lao Pan, based on the Laotian rhythm in fast and medium rhythm patterns. The Laotian and the fast rhythms of Lao Pan demonstrate short, succinct, and fun beats. Moreover, the beating noise that is the outstanding feature of Khaen (bamboo mouth organ) is used. When this noise is combined with Khim, it well resembles a harmonic melody produced by bamboo mouth organ. The study further identified twelve performance techniques, divided into techniques to create harmony, to drum simultaneously with both hands, to prolong the sound, and to create special sounds. Twenty-six etudes have been designed based on these techniques. Lao Pan is an advanced composition designed to be performed with one instrument, which requires specific performance skills. Therefore, the etudes aim to help learners practice various techniques needed. The etudes are constructed by examining the structure and format, and the rhythm pattern of Lao Pan, focusing on the major key ranges, namely F G A x C D x, as the basis of the etudes to familiarize learners of these tones. In addition, the etudes intend to start from easy and progress towards more difficult, with a clear direction to follow, to develop skills on rhythm, accuracy, and feelings of learners.
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