
  • Songsak Ngamsri College of Music, Mahidol University, Thailand
  • Narongchai Pidokrajt College of Music, Mahidol University, Thailand


Chant, Mass, Bruce Gaston


This academic article aims to present the creative idea for composing Five Modern Mass by Bruce Gaston as follows: 1. Kyrie (Lord have Mercy) 2. Sanctus (Holy) 3. Agnus Dei (Lamb of God) 4. Gloria (Glory to God) and 5. Psalm 84. In 1974, he composed Five Modern Mass while teaching at Payap University Chiang Mai, it was music used in Christian liturgy, especially the Catholic Mass. Five Modern Mass were composed in the Western music style, but the singing and playing used the Thai music system. Kyrie composed in the Canon counterpoint, Sanctus composed in the Recitative solo, Agnus Dei composed in the Middle Ages Chant style, Gloria and Psalm 84 both composed in free form and also composed in the four-part harmony, but Psalm 84 has more tenor solo part. Currently, Gloria and Psalm 84 have original scores appearing, but Kyrie, Sanctus, Agnus Dei, original scores disappeared until 2022 three pieces of mass music to be rewritten by the author and brought to study his creative idea for composing Five Modern Mass.


Namtep, Ayu. "Bruce Gaston's Gloria." Interview by Songsak Ngamsri, December 4, 2022.

Namtep, Ayu. "Bruce Gaston's Kyire, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei." Interview by Songsak Ngamsri, December 4, 2022.

Namtep, Ayu, and Parnduangned Wiriyawan. "Bruce Gaston's Kyrie, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei." Interview by Songsak Ngamsri, March 15, 2022.

Pongsarayuth, Sasi. Western Music Middle Age and Renaissance. Bangkok: Chulalongkorn University Printing House, 2013. (in Thai)

Sacred Music Department, Catholic Commission for Liturgy, Catholic Bishops' Conference of Thailand. Instructions and Guidelines for Performing Sacred Music in Liturgy. Bangkok: Sacred Music Department, 2013. (in Thai)

Scandlen, Guy. "Bruce Gaston's Psalm 84." Interview by Songsak Ngamsri, November 16, 2022. The Office of the Royal Society. Music Dictionary, Royal Society Edition. Bangkok: Srimuang Printing, 2018. (in Thai)

Thienviharn, Nareenarth. "Bruce Gaston's Gloria." Interview by Songsak Ngamsri, April 20, 2023.

Wiriyawan, Parnduangned. "Bruce Gaston's Kyrie." Interview by Songsak Ngamsri, February 16, 2022.

Yamprai, Jittapim. Thai Catholic Music History. Bangkok: Sacred Music Bangkok Printing, 2015. (in Thai)

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How to Cite

Ngamsri, S., & Pidokrajt, N. (2024). FIVE MODERN MASS COMPOSED BY BRUCE GASTON. Mahidol Music Journal, 6(2), 1–19. retrieved from