Administrator of higher education institution, Innovative leadership, and Thailand 4.0Abstract
This research aims 1) to study the innovative leadership among Thailand’s Higher Education administrators 2) to study the innovative leadership of administrators that affect the achievement among Thailand’s Higher Education in Thailand 4.0 Era. The research is Mixed Methods Research, which consists of the qualitative method through in-depth interview with 5 groups of experts are 1) The Federation of Thai Industries 2) The Thai Chamber of Commerce 3) The Ministry of Education 4) The Working Group of Deputy Ministers of Education and 5) The Stakeholders. In addition, the other qualitative method used is Focus Group with 8 experts or educational administrators in Thailand’s Higher Education. The statistics used in the research were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, exploratory factor analysis and multiple regression analysis. The questionnaire was used to collect data from the sample with the simple random sampling method. The sample consisted of 471 education administrators in the Thailand’s Higher Education Institutions, namely the president, vice president and dean. The results found that the innovative leadership among Thailand’s higher education administrators can be classified into four categories which include: 1) GEM Innovative Leader 2) Work – Life Blend Innovative Leader 3) Globalization Innovative Leader and 4) Open – Up Innovative Leader. The analysis of the innovative leadership administrators that affect the achievement among Thailand’s Higher Education in Thailand 4.0 Era can be classified into 11 results, consisting of 1) budget and resource 2) student 3) educational administration 4) learning and growth 5) stakeholders 6) teaching 7) research 8) academic engagement with the society 9) art and cultural conservation 10) competitiveness and 11) attitude of the employers to the graduates. Suggestions for the use of the research are as follows: 1) it can be used as a framework for defining criteria or qualification in recruiting and selecting candidates for administrator positions. 2) can be used as a framework for administrator training course development. (Sig = .05)
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