
  • สุวรรณ เดชน้อย คณะบริหารธุรกิจ วิทยาลัยนครราชสีมา
  • สนั่น ใจโชติ วิทยาลัยนครราชสีมา
  • พีระวัฒน์ ธัมอุทัยพร คณะบริหารธุรกิจ วิทยาลัยนครราชสีมา
  • นฤชล ธนจิตชัย คณะบริหารธุรกิจ วิทยาลัยนครราชสีมา


Organization Commitment, Power of Management, The Relationship


This research aims to study (1) the level of opinion on the use of executive power. Organizational commitment. (2) The relationship between the use of power in organizational commitment management. The sample was used in the research. The samples were randomly sampled using a questionnaire as a tool to collect data and interviews. Then, they were processed using a software program to evaluate the opinions on the use of the power of the executives, the Organizational Commitment. The mean (Mean) of the standard (S.D.) and the relationship between the use of executive power Organization Relationships Pearson's Correlation Coefficient (Pearson's Correlation Coefficient)

The research found that:

1. Opinions on the use of administrative power. Overall, the level of executive power has low levels of power. On the other hand, it is found that the use of legal power. The weight of opinion was first, followed by the use of reference power. Use of expertise. Use the power to reward. In general, the opinions on the organization in the three aspects of decision making are low. When considering each aspect, it was found that organizational commitment towards attitudes toward the organization. The first is the weight of opinion, the second is the continuous operation and the performance according to social norms.

2. The Relationship of management power testing result: Using the power of the Executive, the legal authority, the use of the reference, using the power of expertise, using the power of rewards and using the threat of force has relationship with commitment to the organization in the attitude towards the organization, continue to provide operational continuity and operational norms of the society at the level of significance .05


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