
  • ธนากร ธนาธารชูโชติ, เฉลิมรัชต์ เข็มราช และ สุรนิตย์​ ครุฑ​ธานุช​ คณะบริหารธุรกิจและการบัญชี มหาวิทยาลัยปทุมธานี


Effective Business Model, Manufacturing Firms, Pathumthani Province


This research was qualitative and quantitative method by simple sampling random 362 from 3725 respondents. Questionnaire was the tool to collecting data with validity coefficient .89 and reliability coefficient .86 the analysis was conducted by computer software, statistical treatments by program computer namely: frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and ranking, t – Test and One Way ANOVA, Pearson correlation, and multiple regression analysis Stepwise at statistics significant level at .05 researchers found that:

1. Finding indicated that overall and every area of effective business operational level of manufacturing firms in Pathumthani Province by (Balance Score Card) were at very high level. However raking effective business operation level by mean the first were customer area financial area, knowledge and development area, and internal process area respectively.

2. Finding indicated that overall and every area of importance level of factors leads to effective business operation of manufacturing firms in Pathumthani Province were at high level raking by mean found that first were innovation and creative area, goods/products area, manufacturing firm social responsibility area , financial system management area assets intelligent usage area , international business operation ability area , recruiting and retraining good employees area , business risk management area and quality in management of manufacturing firm respectively.

3. There were not significant different in importance level factors leads to effectiveness business operational of manufacturing firms in Pathumthani Province classified by amount of employees. But there were significant different level classified by positioning of executive and first investment of manufacturing firm at statistic significant level .05.

4. There were high relationship level (Correlational Coefficients =.801) between overall area of significant level factors lead to effective business operation of manufacturing firms and effective business operation level of manufacturing firms in Pathumthani Province by balanced scorecard at statistic significant level .05.

5. Effective business operation model of manufacturing firms in Pathumthani Province were involved with = 1) Investment for improve 2)goods/products 3)innovation and creative 4)Social responsibility 5)international business operational ability 6) financial system 7)assets intelligent usage 8) and business risk management area respectively.


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