
  • Khampheng Phathadavong and Surat Supichayangkool member


Competency, English teacher, Lao PDR


          This research aimed at 1) studying on Competencies of English language teacher according to the needs of employers; 2) creating competency model for undergraduates in Faculty of Education, majoring in English, in Lao PDR to prepare themselves. The methodology of this research is mixed-method. The sample group is composed of 9 school directors to find competency level according to the need of the employer. The findings revealed that the employer required on the issue Roles of teacher, Core competency of teaching profession, Competency according to roles and duties and Technical competency and to find the competency levels according to the needs of the employer and survey opinions of undergraduate students in the Faculty of Education Department of English, years 1-4, National University of Laos, 164 students to find out their competencies. The questionnaire was used to inquire about 5 levels of a scale to analyze the data by calculating the mean. Standard deviation and comparative analysis to find the competency level according to the needs of the employer

          The findings that the competency of English teachers according to the needs of employers Group discussion by 9 Director agreeing 100% with 4 competencies quired 4 competencies, namely 1) Roles of teacher, 2) Core competency of teaching profession, 3) Competency according to roles and duties and 4) Technical competency The overall average score of competency evaluation of English teachers according to the needs of employers was 0.52 and Standard deviation was 0.243. The overall average score of core competency of English profession was 4.51 and Standard deviation was 0.314. The overall average score of competency of English teachers’ roles and duties was 4.49 and Standard deviation was 0.20. The overall average score of technical competency of English teachers was 4.52 and Standard deviation 0.24.  The overall average score of self-assessment of undergraduates majoring in English teaching on the subject of roles and duties was 4.21 and Standard deviation was 0.40. The overall average score of competency of undergraduates was 4.22 and Standard deviation was 0.38. The overall average score of competency of undergraduates majoring in teaching English was 4.27 and Standard deviation was 0.35. The overall average score of technical competency of undergraduates majoring in English teaching was 4.19 and Standard deviation was 0.44 and Based on comparative analysis on competency level according to the needs of employers, the employer required an English teacher having competencies of teaching profession competency, core competency, competency according to roles and duties at a very high level. Based on self-evaluation of undergraduate majoring in English teaching to be a teacher in the future, the score was at a high level. The undergraduates still have to improve themselves to be ready for work.


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