
  • Phumphakhawat Phumphongkhachasorn and Paitoon Wachirawongpinyo ิbangkok


Innovative model, school administration, Chonburi educational service area office


          The objectives of this research were 1) to study the operational conditions of the school administration innovation under the Office of Chonburi Primary Educational Service Area2 2) to develop the model of school administration innovation under the Office of Chonburi Primary Educational Service Area 2 and 3) to evaluate the suitability, feasibility of the model of school administration innovation under the Office of Chonburi Primary Educational Service Area 2, The sample group used in the research phase 1 consisted of School administrators under the Office of Chonburi Primary Educational Service Area2, academic year 2017, 98, heads of the schools under the Office of Chonburi Primary Educational Service Area 2, and 112 teacher civit servants and academic work group 11 informants for organizing group discussions (Focus Group), In phase 3, people who provide data to assess suitability and feasibility were 10 experts (The research tools were interview questionnaires, seminars, expert references and feasibility and feasibility assessment by experts and qualified experts of the questionnaire by finding the IOC (Item Objective Congruence Index) Messages that have IOC values of 0.50 and above were maintained The reliability were assessed by Cronbach's alpha-coefficient 0.98. The statistics used for data analysis were quantitative data such as percentage (mean), mean and standard deviation (Standard Deviation) as for qualitative data; the content analysis method is based on the recommendations of experts and experts using the summary method as a result.

         1)   The results of the analysis of the implementation of the innovative model of school administration under the Office of Chonburi Primary Educational Service Area 2, which is at a very good level, with the highest mean value, namely the principles of learning organization Followed by the principle of training and development and the least average aspect is the principle of public and individual aspects. It is found that the overall organizational structure is at a high level. With the highest average value of teachers and believes that organizational structure will inspire the next generation of innovation Is the organizational structure with support for teachers Educational personnel have collaborated to create innovation.

         2)   Model of school administration innovation under the Office of Chonburi Primary Education Area Office, District 2, form of administration innovation under the Office of Chonburi Primary Educational Service Area 2, consisting of 5 elements: 1) Principles of form 2) Objectives Of the format  3) the method of operation of the form 4) evaluation form and 5) the results from the use of the opinion level of experts Regarding the appropriateness of the draft of the school administration innovation model under the Office of Chonburi Primary Educational Service Area 2, which is prepared by the overall picture, is appropriate at a high level and when considered by individual, it is found that every level has a higher level of assessment results.

         3)   The results of the analysis of the opinions of experts and experts in assessing the suitability, feasibility of the model of school administration innovation under the Office of Chonburi Primary Educational Service Area 2 found that the assessors had opinions Model of school administration innovation under the Office of Chonburi Primary Educational Service Area 2 is included in the highest level when considered as Found that the highest level in all aspects.


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