
  • เครือจิตร สีหา -


Development of Guideline for Transformational Leadership of School Administrators, Learning skills


The purposes of this research were to; 1) Study forecasts transformational Leadership of school administrators by knowledge manage-ment to develop the learning skills in the 21st century. 2) Analysis of the relationship of transformational leadership of school administrators by knowledge management to develop the learning skills in the 21st century. 3) Development of guidelines for development of transformational leader-ship of school administrators by knowledge management to develop the learning skills in the 21st century. A sample of 370 respondents schools set into 2 groups: 1) the administration of 387 2) Teachers of 399 total respondents, 786 people the research tool is a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using analysis of frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and content analysis Multiple regression analysis. The research finding revealed that: The state of trans -formational leadership of school admini-strators by knowledge management to develop the learning skills in the 21st century was at overall at high level. The correlation among the transformational leadership of school administrators by knowledge management to develop the learning skills in the 21st century was positive at a statistically significant level of .01. Development of guidelines for transfor-mational leadership of school admini-strators by knowledge management to develop the learning skills in the 21st century, show positive correlation and moved in the same direction. The experts agreed with the development of guidelines, probability it could be implemented in schools.


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