
  • วิริยะ พีระพัฒนพงษ์, รสิตา สังข์บุญนาค


Social Enterprise, Customer Perceived Value, Customer Satisfaction


The purpose of this research is to study customer perceived value correlated with customer satisfaction with organic milk products from social enterprise in the Bangkok metropolitan area and a case study of Dairy Home Co., Ltd. The samples consisted of four hundred consumers who used Dairy Home organic milk products and were based in the Bangkok metropolitan area. The statistical analysis in this study employed percentage, mean, standard deviation, a t-test, one-way analysis of variance and Pearson product moment correlation coefficient.

          The results of the data analysis were as follows:

          Most respondents were female, thirty one to forty of age, held a bachelor’s degree, worked as employees in a private company, and had a monthly income of 40,001 baht or more per month.

          The customer perceived value related to Dairy Home organic milk products: price value, functional value, emotional value and social value were ranked at a high level. The level of total customer satisfaction in relation to Dairy Home organic milk products was ranked at a high level.

          The results of hypothesis testing revealed the following:

          Differences in gender influenced differences in terms of customer satisfaction with organic milk products from social enterprises in the Bangkok metropolitan area and Dairy Home was statistically significant at a level of 0.05. As difference in age and term of average salary influenced and created difference in customer satisfaction with organic milk products from social enterprises in the Bangkok metropolitan area and Dairy Home was statistically significant at a level of 0.01. Perception of price value, functional value, emotional value and social value correlated with customer satisfaction with organic milk products from social enterprises in the Bangkok metropolitan area and Dairy Home was statistically significant at a level of 0.01 and was at a high level in the same direction.


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