
  • นาวิน นิลแสงรัตน์


This reserach  is “ Good Governance Implementation of School Administrators under Pathumthani  Primary  Educational  Service Area Office 1” the aims are to study and find the realationship between good governance implementation of school administrators with personnel management of school administrators under Pathumthani  primary  educational  service area office 1 by the opinion of 328 teachers under Pathumthani  primary  educational  service area office 1 , determined the sample group by Krejcie & Morgan ‘s theory  and Stratified Random Sampling with strata of school. The data were collected by questionnaires about good governance implementation of school administrators under Pathumthani primary educational service area office 1 as the opinion of teachers under Pathumthani primary  educational  service area office 1 by  check list , rating scale. To find the reliability and the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was equaled 0.8839  and collected the data by the statistical chance. The data analyzed were presented in frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Pearson Product Moment Correlation.

 The result study revealed that;

          Good governance implementation of school administrators with personnel administration under Pathumthani primary educational service area office 1, the overall had the positive relationship at the low level (r=0.210) by statistically significant difference at 0.05. with the same direction . When considering each factor found that economy factor (X6), the overall had the positive relationship at the low level (r=0.210) by statistically significant with the same direction. Rule of law factor (X1) (r=0.098), virtue factor (X2) (r=0.101), participation factor (X3) (r=0.092) and accountability factor (X1) (r=0.098) and the positive relationship at the low level by no statistically significant with the same direction. Transparency factor was the negative relationship with no statistically significant. (X3) (r=0.017)

      The relationship between personnel administrative of school administrators with good governance implementation found that recruitment planning factor (y1) (r=0.227)   and enhance efficiency and personnel maintenance factors (y2) (r=0.147) had the positive relationship with the same direction by statistically significant difference at 0.05. The other factor had the relationship at the low level by no statistically significant difference and the same direction.


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