
  • น้ำผึ้ง ปูรณธสุคนธ, สุรพล ราชภัณฑารักษ์, สมบูรณ์ สุขสำราญ, เอนก เหล่าธรรมทัศน์


Constitutional Monarchy, Democracy of King Rama 9th


The objective of this research is to study the impact of characteristics of the royal works, speech, and guidance of the King Rama 9th on the sustainability and strengthening of the democracy in Thailand via the qualitative research.  

The results of this research found that the democracy regime within the ruling of the King Rama 9th was not ruling by law but by heart (The King reigns but not rule). His majesty the king rama 9th strictly adhered to the democracy. He emphasized on working to improve the Thais’ quality of lives as mentioned in the first royal command “We shall reign in righteousness for the benefits and happiness of Siamese people”.  The royal works had turned the Thai monarchy into the main and important institutional in sustaining and strengthening the democracy in Thailand by the practice of the human resource development.  Such royal doings have bettered Thais’ quality of lives, and raised the awareness in political participation.  Thais also learned to live amongst discrepancies and focus on the collective, rather than personal, interest as the practice of the democracy.


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