
  • Boonjai Cha-em, Rapin Chuchuenand and Thanawin Thongpang คณะศึกษาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา


The model, Administrators, The school under Bangkok Metropolitan


The purpose of this research was to study the development model of school administrators competencies and evaluate the model of school administrators competencies under Bangkok Metropolitan. The methodology was used was Ethnographic Delphi futures Research (EDFR) from 17 experts and evaluating the model of school administrators competencies under Bangkok Metropolitan from 205 sample groups determining the sample size by using Krejcie & Morgan table one hundred item-questionnaire was used for data collection.

          The results showed that:

  1. The model of school administrator competencies under Bangkok Metropolitan composed of two competencies and two : five functional competencies. The five core competencies were ; 1) achievement motivation, 2) service mind, 3) personal development, 4) teamwork, and 5) technology information, The five functional competencies were;                 1) analytical thinking and synthetic thinking, 2) personnel development, 3) visioning,                   4) communication and motivation, and 5) leadership. The experts agreed that the competencies and items were at a high level, the medians had a value from 3.50 or higher, and the interquartile range was lower than 1.50
  2. The results of the suitability assessment of the model of administrator competencies of school under Bangkok Metropolitan, the experts had consistent opinions about the five core competencies, with a high possible level, as follows ; 1) technology information of the average was at 4.45, 2) self-development with a high level of 4.43, 3) achievement with a high level of 4.42, 4) good service with a high level of 4.38, For the functional competencies, the experts had consistent opinion about the five competencies, with a high possible level, as follows : 1) analytical thinking and synthetic thinking the mean was at 4.47, 2) the personnel development the mean was at 4.42, 3) visioning the mean was at 4.41, 4) communication and motivation the mean was at 4.41 and 5) leadership the mean was at 4.39, all of the items were at a high level.


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