
  • Soisuda Imaroonrak, Piyathip Pradujprom and Parinya Ruengtip Mahidol University


: Happiness Workplace Scale for Workers Based, Computerized Adaptive Testing, Item Response Model


The research aimed to develop a set of computerized-standard scale for measuring happiness in working age and to examine relationships between  approximate workplace happiness levels with all the items from the computerized adative testing. There are three processes invloved in this research, 1) develop a set of happiness items, examine the content validity, analyzed each items property and examine construct validity. The sample was Thai nationality that has at least 1-year working Experience, aged over 20 years old, currently work for either private or government organiztion. 2) Develop a computerized adaptive testing version of a happy workplace scale and a mobile appication. 3) Examine the correlation between happiness in workplace level ascertained from the computerized adaptive version and all the items. Pearson’s correlation coefficeint was analyed.

The research results indicated that

  1. The item bank of the happiness workplace scale included 43 items. They were classified into 2 factors; 19 items of motivational factors, and 24 items of maintenance factors. All items were passed the criteria by experts content validity and were anzlyzed by the Item Response Theory. Total validity of the bank was 0.97.
  2. The scale with 43 items, based computerized items reponse, prsented ih the form of web application was highly sitable for using.
  3. The correlation coefficients between the computerized adaptive scale and the result form of the all items equaled 0.89 showing a positive relationship.


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