
  • Thanaploysiri Siribunsobh นักษาปริญญาเอก สาขาการบริหารการศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยปทุมธานี


Effectivness Academic Leadership, Digital Era, Private University Administrators


The purposes of this research were to study: 1) the component of effectiveness

academic leadership in the digital era of private university administrators 2) to analyze components [of effectiveness academic leadership in the digital era of  private university administrators and 3) to investigate the congruency of effectiveness academic leadership component in the digital era of  private university administrators. The study populations were 460 instructors, experts and administrators in 15 private universities in 2018. The sample size was determined by Krecie and Morgan. Study sample were 210 instructors, experts and administrators random by stratified sampling technique. The instrument in this research was a questionnaire. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, standard deviation, Pearson Product moment correlation Coefficient and Confirmatory factor analysis.

The results of the study revealed that:

 1) The component of effectiveness academic leadership in the digital era of private university administrators were 4 components that visioning aspect, innovation information technology development aspect, inspiration aspect and creative thinking aspect.

2) The analysis result of effectiveness academic in the digital era \of private university administrators was 72 indicators as follows; visioning aspect with 17 indicators , innovation information technology development aspect with 18 indicators, inspiration aspect with 21 indicators and creative thinking aspect with 16 indicators with suitable on criteria.

3) The investigation consistency of effectiveness academic in the digital era of private university administrators that according to empirical data.


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