
  • ปิยะนุช เงินชูศรี, ดวงเดือน จันทร์เจริญ, ชมสุภัค ครุฑกะ มหาวิทยาลัยรามคำแหง


leadership, middle-level executives, the security business sector


In this dissertation, the researcher studies (1) the conditions and problems in the use of leadership for middle-level executives in the security business sector; constructs (2) a 21st century leadership model for these executives; and then (3) evaluates the model. The research investigation was conducted in three steps taken seriatim as follows: In Step One, the researcher studied the conditions and problems in the use of leadership for middle-level executives in the security business sector by means of conducting semi-structured interviews with twenty-five key informants. In Step Two, the researcher constructed a leadership model for the middle-level executives. An open-ended questionnaire and a five-rating scale questionnaire eliciting germane data appertaining to the use of leadership for the middle-level executives were used. The Delphi method was employed for three rounds carried out by eighteen experts. The data collected were analyzed through determining the median (Mdn) and establishing the interquartile range (IQR) within which the data fell. In Step Three: evaluation by seven experts established whether the leadership model for the middle-level executives showed appropriateness.

            Findings are as follows: (1) In regard to the conditions and problems in the use of leadership by the middle-level executives under investigation, key informants expressed the following opinions: Planning and communication pertaining to work performance must be in accordance with a clear delineation of the company. Orders are not clearly stated. Authority to make decisions is not assigned in writing. There are no reports summarizing work performance in response to variegated problems and methods recorded by a central information agency which in turn would notify personnel at all levels. (2) The leadership model constructed by the researcher was viewed by examining exports as a transactional leadership and transformational leadership model. The administration process was to consist of four steps: planning, management, ordering, and control. (3) The experts’ opinions on the leadership model for middle-level executives in the security business sector as a model of transactional leadership and transformational leadership was appropriate at the highest level.


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