
  • โยษิตา หลวงสุรินทร์, สุชนนี เมธิโยธิน, บรรพต วิรุณราช 0901986594


helpless person, homeless people, beggar, career development, unemployed, risk, poor people, Organizations with a mission to protect the homeless, Managing the homeless


This is research was to study the risk management model and to separate the risk issues of organizations that were responsible for the protection of homeless people in Thailand and it would be used as a guideline for creating risk assessment criteria and for managing risks from outside and inside the organization. The research findings revealed that 94.44 percent of the target group believed that three topics risks including the risks from the outside of the social organizations, community risks, and legal risks had the highest risk, and they were followed by the economic risk which was 83.33 percent. It was suggested that the concept of risk prevention and risk reduction could be done by improving the quality of life to society, and 100 percent of participants agreed with the suggestion. In addition, risk from technology affected risk management by 62.50 percent. It was discovered that 100 percent of the target group thought that the risks within the organization concerning service users were different communicable disease and behavior. 100 percent of the participants agreed that there were also risks in the process of screening users before being imported to the shelter for all helpless people, and few of them were developed into the society due to the limitations of the trainers and the method of teaching. For the human resources, 94.44 percent thought there would be the provision of multidisciplinary care for those with psychiatric disorders, and occupational therapy should be focused for service users at risk of communicable diseases. 83.33 percent thought that financial risk was insufficient budget. For the concept of risk prevention, 88.89 percent proposed that personnel should be developed to become multidisciplinary, and proportion should be provided sufficiently. It was suggested that nurses and doctors regularly come to check those who were psychiatric. It was also proposed that service users’ professional skills should be developed according to their aptitude before going out to the society by determining a clear process such as career development through the Department of Skill Development which cooperated with private enterprise establishment


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