
  • ศิริวรรณ เจียรชัชวาลวงศ์, วิทยาธร ท่อแก้ว, สุภาภรณ์ ศรีดี, นิภากร กำจรเมนุกูล คณะวิทยาการจัดการ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฎยะลา


communication, building inspiration, disabled


This research covered the following topics about self communication to build up inspiration among the disabled: 1) forms of communication; 2) content of communication; 3) factors that affected communication; 4) problems and approaches for solving them; and 5) development approaches for this type of communication.This was a qualitative research using the methods of in-depth interviews and observation. The key informants were 25 model disabled people with movement disability and 6 academics involved in rehabilitation work. They were chosen through purposive sampling and the snowball technique. The research tool was an in-depth interview form. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis.Self communication to build up inspiration among the disabled was divided into 4 stages: 1) During the stage of encountering difficulty, self communication was characterized by rational thinking. During the second stage of acceptance of disability, communication was characterized by communication through touch and embrace for consolation and to give moral support. During the third stage of adaptation, communication was characterized by listening with discretion in order to adapt to the environment. During the fourth stage of leading life as normal, internal communication was characterized by creative thinking for survival. 2) The major content of self communication was, during the first stage getting over obstacles without getting discouraged; during the second stage optimism; during the third stage getting over obstacles through self encouragement ; and during the fourth creativity. 3) The personality-related factors that affected self communication to build inspiration were openness, extroversion, and willingness to reveal. The reference group-related factors were closeness of family relations and mutual understandings. 4) The problems with inspirational communication were that related people lacked data organization skills, lacked good methods of presentation. Approaches for solving these problems are to use casual communication, to present interesting information. 5) An approach for developing self communication to build up inspiration among the disabled is to have the disabled maintain presence of mind, be mindful and creative in their internal dialog, use reason to solve problems, and to apply the knowledge and experiences they have gained from what they have read, seen, heard or touched in their communication through speaking, writing, and expressing their emotions.


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