
  • ศิวัช โชติกิจนุสรณ์, ตรีเนตร ตันตระกูล บริหารธุรกิจ


enhance quality of work life, work performance, customer service employee


            This research aim to : 1) study the quality of work life of customer service employee in commercial bank. 2) study the performance of customer service employee in commercial bank. 3) study the quality of work life related to the performance of customer service employee in commercial bank. 4) provide a guideline for enhancing the quality of work life in relationship to performance of customer service employee in commercial bank. The sample of 12 interviewees in qualitative research and 385 of customer service employees of commercial banks in quantitative research approach. The research instruments were questionnaire and interview form. Statistic used in quantitative data analysis as Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation and Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient. For qualitative data analysis used the content analysis method.

            The result of this research showed that:-

            1.The quantitative research showed that the quality of work life of customer service employee of commercial bank overall was at the highest level. When considering each aspect, it was found that the aspect with the highest mean as the first is quality of life interm of work that is beneficial to society. The last mean as the working condition which is safe and healthy. The results of the analysis of the performance of customer service employee of commercial bank it was found that overall was the highest level. When considering in each aspect found that the aspect with the highest everage first is the quality of work. The last mean average is the expenditure. The results of the analysis of relationship between work efficiency and quality of work life found that there is a relationship in the same direction and the result of the quality of working life and work efficiency of employees found that there are statistically significant difference at the level .05.

  1. Qualitative research results showed that the efficiency of the work that interviews executive management level of commercial banks and academics has the opinion that the efficiency in quality of work must be in same direction the employee must work in a way that does not cause mistakes in the work. The workload efficiency must be in the same direction in accordance with the target and employee must be able to handle the workload increase and maintain the standard performance. The time efficiency employees must be able to perform their work within the standard time which determined by organization. The cost efficiency, employees must spend less but work well without damage the organization. The quality of work life of the customer service employee relative to the efficiency of work. It was found that the executive management and academics had opinion in each of the following areas. The compensation must be appropriate and fair to enable employees to work in a potent, safe and healthy promotion as standardized. To provide opportunities for potential development of personnel, promote progress and stability in the work as well as having a social relationship, promoting democracy in the organization, balance between personal life and work, and social work. The conclusion is that executive management and academics pay more attention to the efficiency of compensation is sufficient and fair as first. Secondary, safety is the most secure and the last is stability and progression in work.


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