
  • กิตติกร พนังแก้ว


species, communication behavior, communication components


The purposes of this research were to (1) study communication behavior of the businessmen of  Daxin co., ltd. (Thailand) (2) study the communication’s components of  business men of Daxin co., ltd. (Thailand)   (3) compare communication behavior and components as classified by gender, age, education level,and business position. The research samples were 390 businessmen of Daxin co., ltd. (Thailand). Data collection instrument was the five- levels rating scale questionnaire, concerning, communication behavior and components within the organization. Data analysis was proceeded using frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The statistics, t-test and One-way ANOVA were used to test research hypotheses.  The outcome can be summarized as follows;    

The business men of Daxin co., ltd. (Thailand), had horizontal communication behavior 3 types include, downward communication behavior and upward communication behavior at a high level, respectively.  The businessmen of Daxin co., ltd. (Thailand), had communication components 4 aspects including, such as, receiver, sender, and channel, at a high level. While they had communication components, regarding, message was at the highest level. 

The comparison of communication behaviors  among businessmen of Daxin co., ltd. (Thailand) .Whose genders, ages,  education levels , and business positions, were different, can be summarized as follows; the businessmen whose gender were different, had significant differences in upward communication behavior, at a .05 significant level. Whereas, no significant difference were found in downward and horizontal communication. The businessmen whose ages were different, had significant differences in downward and upward communication behavior. at a .05 significant level. However, no significant difference were found in horizontal communication.   The businessmen whose education levels were different, had significant differences in upward communication behavior at a .05 significant level. Whereas, no significant difference were found in downward and horizontal communication. The businessmen whose business positions were different, had significant differences in downward communication, upward communication, and horizontal communication behavior at a .05 significant level. Whereas, no significant difference were found in horizontal communication.

The comparison of communication components among businessmen of Daxin co., ltd. (Thailand) .Whose genders, ages, education levels, and business positions, were different, and can be summarized as follows;   The businessmen whose genders were different, had significant differences in the communication compositions at a .05 significant level. These were sender and receiver. Whereas, no significant difference were found in message and channel.   The businessmen whose ages were different, had significant differences in the communication compositions at a .05 significant level, such as, message and channel. Whereas, no significant difference were found in sender and receiver.   The businessmen whose education levels were different, had significant differences in the communication compositions at a .05 significant level, such as, sender receiver and channel. Whereas, no significant difference were found in message.  The businessmen whose business positions were different, had significant differences in the communication compositions at a .05 significant level, such as, sender, receiver, message, and channel.


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