
  • Irin Phongamornrat คณะรัฐประศาสนศาสตร์ สถาบันเทคโนโลยีแห่งสุวรรณภูมิ


viral video marketing, Influence viral videos, Franchise drinks


Human communication in modern times is fast. Can spread information News thoroughly and extensive Especially communication through various electronic tools that are very popular in the age of digital communication Communicating with online networking Usually have the form of viral marketing communication or viral video marketing because it is a low cost and effective marketing. When compared to other marketing methods and weighs more to create credibility for consumers Advertising in other formats Because viral communication via social media is not necessary for the messenger and the receiver to have a close relationship, then it will influence the confidence building in That product and service, but only consumers and consumers telling each other And resulting in products and Services that pass the word-of-mouth communication process in this digital age have a very high level of reliability.

Creating a current trend to convince consumers If using advertising through traditional media May not be enough and does not meet the needs of consumers in the digital age that can access information at all times, social media is becoming another channel with full access to information. And convenience for consumers Although consumers' trust in advertising in the media. In the main direction may decrease but in the other direction, it is found that consumers turn to pay attention to the information received from People who are more reliable in the online world before deciding to buy more products and services. Influential person In the online world, it has become a marketing tool that brands must seek to use as a medium for communication in Contact with consumers Including business owners themselves can also be a marketing tool.

If it is a person that the masses know However, choosing the influential person should also consider the time period, the brand image and the techniques used to communicate with consumers. Because what consumers today need most is reliability and trust. Which is not easily found in traditional media advertising. The Nielsen Company (2009) surveyed consumers' attitudes towards trust in 13 forms of advertising media, found that viral marketing is a tool to stimulate consumers to Product purchase decision And the highest service Which accounted for 53 percent From the above study, it can be concluded that Consumers will make the decision to buy products more easily and quickly if they receive information from a credible influencer.

It can be concluded that the content of the marketing information should be in the form of articles, language, sharp words, philosophy, concepts in order to be a warning to the suggestion that is suitable for Culture and situations are content creation that is impressive and creates society. Is a video clip Animation that generates emotions There are stories that correspond to reality in today's society.

Relationship with the data source Focus on communication from family members such as father and siblings. Access to close relationships and resources that are intimate and influential will facilitate sharing. This arises from trust. Wanting to be accepted Including relatives And close friends interacting closely together can create word of mouth.



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