Human Capital, Achievement, Lecturer at Private UniversitiesAbstract
This research aims to study human capital development that affects the achievement of a professor of Thai teachers in Bangkok and perimeter, and to study the development of human capital, which affects the achievement of a professor of Thai-private universities in Bangkok and perimeter. Use a query to store information from a sample group that is currently running in private universities in Bangkok and perimeter. The total number of 385 is then analyzed for recession-related equations and results in the analysis of human capital development that affects the achievement of the professor of the University of Thailand in Bangkok and perimeter. Use the deep interview by 9 experts and build up the human capital development guidelines that affect the achievement of the professor of the University of Thailand in Bangkok and perimeter research results. Found that human capital development is a way to develop human capital, need to develop human capital and internal factors that affect the achievement of the professor of Thai-private universities in Bangkok. The city and perimeter are significantly statistical at a level .05 and a way of developing human capital to affect the achievement of the professor of the University of Thailand in Bangkok and perimeter. 3-sided divided into 1) need for human capital development 2) internal factors and 3) human capital development methods
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