
  • Nathanon Thavisin and Thutsapong Wongsawad Thongsuk College


Participatory roles, Social Activities, Elderly


     The objectives of this research were 1) To study social participation role of the elderly new age in Thawi Watthana Bangkok 2) to compare the differences between the roles of participation in social activities of the modern elderly and personal factors 3) to find the relationship between the roles of participation in social activities of the new elderly and the support Social status from family and perceived health status of self, the population used this research was the elderly living all 16 communities in Thawi Watthana district. Bangkok, consisting of 2,781 people was sampling random Sample by using 338 non-retraction technique using Research tools used as questionnaire, the statistics used data analysis were percentage, mean and standard deviation, the statistics used in test were t-test, F-test by One-way ANOVA and Pearson correlation coefficient.

     The result of research shows that majority of the elderly are female, aged 60-69 years, marital status, primary education level and the characteristics of living with spouse social support from most families received material support and assistance. Most of the perceptions of own health is physical conditions and the role of participation in social activities of modern age In general; it at medium level in order of average to descending is religious activities, volunteer activities for community’s political activities sports and recreation activities educational and cultural activities,

     The results of the comparison of participation in social activities of new age with personal factors such as gender, age, status, education level and different characteristics of living have different participation roles in social activities the statistical significance 0.05. When testing for differences in pairs by LSD, it was found that the elderly with living characteristics with religious activities and characteristics that relied on sports and recreation activities There are differences results of analysis of the relationship between the role of participation in social activities of the elderly and the social support from family and the perception of their health status found that r value is between 0.492 to 0.701 and the Sig. value equals 0.000 which means there is moderate relationship and in the same direction with statistical significance 0.05.

     The Conclude personal factors there are significant difference in the participation of social activities in the modern age with statistical significance 0.05, Social support from the family and the perception of their health status correlated with the role of participation in social activities of the elderly at medium level in the same direction with statistical significance 0.05.


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