
  • Chompu Nuangjamnong, Pattarayuth Sopaauthsawaporn and Atchara Thaneepearn


the 21st Century Skills, Project Based Learning, Leaning Management


     The learning management through project-based learning (PBL) is an activity that is centered on students and a systematic problem solving by integrating with the 21st century learning skills framework of Thai education 4.0. The objectives of this study are to explain the nature of teaching and learning by using the project based on student-center learning. The concept in this study aims to enable students to create knowledge by themselves and apply knowledge to create innovation to society.

      In the project-based learning, there have some important components, namely 1) Creating an environment and stimulating the appetite in problems, 2) Learners create understanding and plan for learning, 3) Conclusion of learning results and knowledge creation, 4) To bring learning results into the expansion process and transform knowledge into innovation, and 5) Learning evaluation.

      In summary, the results from the analysis showed that for the development of learners who focus on the 21st century learning skills framework through the project-based learning management, the skills required for the 21st century include: 1) life and career skills 2) Information, media, and technology skills 3) learning and innovation skills join with leaning design activities for improving learner's skills. In the 21st century learning skills framework through the project-based learning management, there are combined between teaching and learning management within four project patterns, namely 1) survey research project, 2) experimental research project, 3) development research project, and 4) theoretical research project. Therefore, Thai education has to include learning activities that allow students to take action through a variety of the project patterns. The learners can be able to apply knowledge from core subjects and combine with the important issues for the 21st century skills which focus on STEM education, namely science, technology, engineering and mathematics by integration with truly learning.


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