
  • Prayut Thiamsuk and Arun Raktham คณะศิลปศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลพระนคร


Management, Buddhist Human Capital, Tripitaka


The objectives of this study were (1) to investigate the principles of Buddhism on human capital found in the Tripitaka, (2) to identify the components of human capital management based on the principles of Buddhism as evident in the Tripitaka, and (3) to explain the principles of human capital management based on the principles of Buddhism found in the Tripitaka.

This study employed a qualitative approach. Data were collected from a review of 45 documents from the full Tripitaka, non-participant observations, and structured in-depth interviews with 15 experts on Buddhism and the Tipitaka, and they were analyzed by content analysis.

          Major findings: (1) on the principles of Buddhism, Buddhism was said to value births in the human realm because the realm allowed ones to self-manage to strengthen inner potential, but as human-realm births were said to be extremely rare, being born as a human was said to be considered as a contribution to human capital; (2) on the components of human capital management based on the principles of Buddhism, they included (a) personal characteristics or intelligence levels, (b) moral principles or teaching instruments, (c) appropriate timing, (d) teachers, (e) Buddhist methods of teaching, (f) the five Khandhas of body and mind, and (g) Paramita; and (3) on the principles of human capital management based on the principles of Buddhism, they were said to be divided into two parts, including 1) individual management to enhance human capital with aims towards smart and moral humans, and 2) management of human capital as organizational resources for organizational development with aims for public benefits by using the five management systems of (a) moral discipline, (b) power decentralization, (c) Dhammadhipateyya, (d) respect for seniority, and (e) collaborative goal-setting.



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