
  • Bancha Witthayaanan and Vipas Thongsuddhi คณะนิติศาสตร์ วิทยาลัยนครราชสีมา


The elderly, legal measures, labour


The purposes of this research were 1) to study the background, concept, theory and legal measures on rendering the protection of the elderly labour, 2) to study factual and legal problems of the laws related to the elderly labour, 3) to analyze the problems of employing the elderly labour and rendering the elderly protection, and to propose the legal standards on rendering the elderly labour protection as recommendations for legal improvement and development in regard to the efficiency and relevance of the state policy.

The research findings were found directly had no laws for the elderly protection as the Labour Act of B.E 2541 enacted only for rendering the general labour use, women labour and child labour. In regard to the direct relevance to the elderly it was the Elderly Act of B.E.2546 on the protection and the rights of the elderly to get access to the support, promotion and protection for the benefits of making livelihood as of the Article 11, bud did

not enact about rendering the protection of the elderly labour employment at all. The research finding also revealed the elderly organizations in connection with the support, promotion and protection of the elderly labour, as well as the legal personnel and the legal academics had some opinions and ideas on rendering the protection of the elderly labour by enacting the laws, such as additional connecting the Act on Rendering Protection of Elderly Labour in the Labour Act of B.E.2541 in particular, additional correcting the Elderly Act of B.E. 2546, on specifying the elderly rights in article 11, or solely adding as Article 11/1 for rendering the protection as well as specifying the methodical steps of rendering the elderly protection in extra as of the rendering the same protection in employing the disabled labour of Articles 34 and 35 of the Act of Promotion and Development of the life quality of the disabled of B.E.2550, enforcing the legal standards for the employers or entrepreneurs to employ the disabled.


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