
  • Yupin yoopetch Master’s Student of Faculty of Educational and Liberal Arts, Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology
  • Watana Chindavat Faculty of Educational and Liberal Arts, Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology


Good governance, Private school administrators, Private school


The purpose of this research were to study 1) the good governance of private school administrators in Nakhon Pathom province 2) to study the factors affecting the performance of duties of private school teachers in Nakhon Pathom province 3) to study the governance of private school teachers government that affects the performance of private teachers Under Educational, Nakhon Pathom Province. The sample group used in the research was 341 teachers in private school Nakhon Pathom province. They were acquired based on Krejcie and Morgan’s Table for Determining Sample Size from a Given Population and proportional simple random sampling. The instrument used in the research was a 5-level rating scale questionnaire. The questionnaire has a reliability of 0.924. The statistics used for analysis were frequencies, percentage, mean, standard deviation and stepwise multiple regression analysis.

            The research results revealed that : 1) Good governance of private school administrators in Nakhon Pathom Province Overall, it's at a high level. The averages were arranged in descending order as follows: Transparency principle The principle of participation morality Value principle the rule of law and the principle of responsibility 2) the performance of duties of the teachers Under the Office of Education, Nakhon Pathom Province Overall, it's at a high level. The averages were sorted from highest to lowest as follows: on the performance of duties to the participants in the profession in performing duties for oneself Social responsibility and professional duties. 3) The multiple correlation coefficient (R) was equal to 0.173, and there was a variation of good governance that affects the performance of teachers by 33% (R2 = 0.033). Duties of private teachers under education office, Nakhon Pathom Province In order from highest to lowest, the principle of participation (Beta = 0.117), the principle of transparency (Beta = 0.110), the principle of value (Beta = 0.094), the principle of morality (Beta = 0.067), the rule of law (Beta). = 0.064) and responsibility (Beta = 0.062)          




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