
  • Sunit Ar-sachit Master’s Student of Faculty of Educational and Liberal Arts, Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology
  • Sopon Pechpuang Advisior of Faculty of Educational and Liberal Arts, Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology


Moral of teachers and student, Ethical Leadership, Private School Administrators


The purposes of this research were to study (1) the ethical leadership of administrators in private school (2) the morality of teachers and students in private school  and  (3) the ethical leadership of administrators affecting the morality of teachers and students in private school under Nakhonpathom Provincial Education Office. The sample were 320 teachers, selected by simple random sampling. The research instrument used questionnaires which a reliability of .98. Data were analyzed using basic statistics such as mean, standard deviation and stepwise multiple regression analysis.

The finding were ; 1. The ethical leadership of administrators in private school overall there was a high level of practice. When considering the average from descending to each side being a person with rules, being a role model ethical, inspiring, honest and fair and cooperation there is a high level of practice. 2.  Morality of Teachers and Students in Private School Overall there was a high level of practice. When considering the average from descending to each side morality and ethics of Thai people, moral ethics according to religious principles and human ethics there is a high level of practice. 3. The ethical leadership of administrators affecting the morality and ethics of teachers and students in private schools. statistically significant at the .05 level. The variables that have been selected into the equation was being a person with rules, collaborating and being an ethical role model were able to predict the impact on morality and ethics of teachers and students 54.10%




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